Directory Tree

├── Aakash Odedra - A dance in a hurricane of paper, wind and light.mp4
├── Aaron Koblin - Visualizing ourselves ... with crowd-sourced data.mp4
├── Aaron O'Connell - Making sense of a visible quantum object.mp4
├── Abe Davis - New video technology that reveals an object's hidden properties.mp4
├── Abha Dawesar - Life in the - digital now - .mp4
├── Abigail Washburn - Building US-China relations ... by banjo.mp4
├── Abraham Verghese - A doctor's touch.mp4
├── Adam Grosser - A mobile fridge for vaccines.mp4
├── Adam Ostrow - After your final status update.mp4
├── Adam Spencer - Why I fell in love with monster prime numbers.mp4
├── Adora Svitak - What adults can learn from kids.mp4
├── Ahn Trio - A modern take on piano, violin, cello.mp4
├── Aicha el-Wafi + Phyllis Rodriguez - The mothers who found forgiveness, friendship.mp4
├── Aimee Mullins - Changing my legs - and my mindset.mp4
├── Aimee Mullins - My 12 pairs of legs.mp4
├── Aimee Mullins - The opportunity of adversity.mp4
├── Ajit Narayanan - A word game to communicate in any language.mp4
├── AJ Jacobs - How healthy living nearly killed me.mp4
├── Alain de Botton - A kinder, gentler philosophy of success.mp4
├── Alain de Botton - Atheism 2.0.mp4
├── Alan Kay - A powerful idea about ideas.mp4
├── Alanna Shaikh - How I'm preparing to get Alzheimer's.mp4
├── Alan Russell - The potential of regenerative medicine.mp4
├── Alan Siegel - Let's simplify legal jargon!.mp4
├── Alastair Parvin - Architecture for the people by the people.mp4
├── Alejandro Aravena - My architectural philosophy - Bring the community into the process.mp4
├── Alessandra Orofino - It’s our city. Let’s fix it.mp4
├── Alessandro Acquisti - What will a future without secrets look like - .mp4
├── Alexa Meade - Your body is my canvas.mp4
├── Alex Laskey - How behavioral science can lower your energy bill.mp4
├── Alex Steffen - The route to a sustainable future.mp4
├── Alex Steffen - The shareable future of cities.mp4
├── Alex Tabarrok - How ideas trump crises.mp4
├── Al Gore - Averting the climate crisis.mp4
├── Al Gore - New thinking on the climate crisis.mp4
├── Al Gore - What comes after An Inconvenient Truth - .mp4
├── Alice Goffman - How we're priming some kids for college — and others for prison.mp4
├── Alice Goffman - How we're priming some kids for college — and others for prison.mp4
├── Alisa Miller - How the news distorts our worldview.mp4
├── Alison Gopnik - What do babies think - .mp4
├── Alison Jackson - An unusual glimpse at celebrity.mp4
├── Alison Killing - There’s a better way to die, and architecture can help.mp4
├── Allan Adams - The discovery that could rewrite physics.mp4
├── Allan Jones - A map of the brain.mp4
├── Allan Savory - How to fight desertification and reverse climate change.mp4
├── Allison Hunt - How to get (a new) hip.mp4
├── Al Seckel - Visual illusions that show how we (mis)think.mp4
├── Al Vernacchio - Sex needs a new metaphor. Here's one ....mp4
├── Amanda Bennett - We need a heroic narrative for death.mp4
├── Amanda Burden - How public spaces make cities work.mp4
├── Amanda Palmer - The art of asking.mp4
├── Amber Case - We are all cyborgs now.mp4
├── Ameenah Gurib-Fakim - Humble plants that hide surprising secrets.mp4
├── Amit Sood - Building a museum of museums on the web.mp4
├── Amory Lovins - Winning the oil endgame.mp4
├── Amy Cuddy - Your body language shapes who you are.mp4
├── Amy Lockwood - Selling condoms in the Congo.mp4
├── Amy Smith - Simple designs to save a life.mp4
├── Amy Tan - Where does creativity hide - .mp4
├── Anand Agarawala - Rethink the desktop with BumpTop.mp4
├── Anand Giridharadas - A tale of two Americas. And the mini-mart where they collided.mp4
├── Anand Varma - A thrilling look at the first 21 days of a bee’s life.mp4
├── Anand Varma - A thrilling look at the first 21 days of a bee’s life.mp4
├── Anant Agarwal - Why massive open online courses (still) matter.mp4
├── Anas Aremeyaw Anas - How I named, shamed and jailed.mp4
├── Anastasia Taylor-Lind - Fighters and mourners of the Ukrainian revolution.mp4
├── Andras Forgacs - Leather and meat without killing animals.mp4
├── Andrea Ghez - The hunt for a supermassive black hole.mp4
├── Andreas Raptopoulos - No roads - There’s a drone for that.mp4
├── Andreas Raptopoulos - No roads - There’s a drone for that.mp4
├── Andreas Schleicher - Use data to build better schools.mp4
├── Andrew Bastawrous - Get your next eye exam on a smartphone.mp4
├── Andrew Bird - A one-man orchestra of the imagination.mp4
├── Andrew Blum - Discover the physical side of the internet.mp4
├── Andrew Connolly - What's the next window into our universe - .mp4
├── Andrew McAfee - What will future jobs look like - .mp4
├── Andrew Mwenda - Aid for Africa - No thanks..mp4
├── Andrew Solomon - How the worst moments in our lives make us who we are.mp4
├── Andrew Solomon - Love, no matter what.mp4
├── Andrew Stanton - The clues to a great story.mp4
├── Andy Hobsbawm - Do the green thing.mp4
├── Andy Yen - Think your email's private - Think again.mp4
├── Angelo Vermeulen - How to go to space, without having to go to space.mp4
├── Anna Deavere Smith - Four American characters.mp4
├── Anna Mracek Dietrich - A plane you can drive.mp4
├── Anne-Marie Slaughter - Can we all - have it all - - .mp4
├── Annette Heuser - The 3 agencies with the power to make or break economies.mp4
├── Annie Lennox - Why I am an HIV - AIDS activist.mp4
├── Annie Murphy Paul - What we learn before we're born.mp4
├── AnnMarie Thomas - Hands-on science with squishy circuits.mp4
├── Anthony Atala - Growing new organs.mp4
├── Anthony Atala - Printing a human kidney.mp4
├── Antonio Damasio - The quest to understand consciousness.mp4
├── Antony Gormley - Sculpted space, within and without.mp4
├── Aparna Rao - High-tech art (with a sense of humor).mp4
├── Apollo Robbins - The art of misdirection.mp4
├── Arianna Huffington - How to succeed - Get more sleep.mp4
├── Arthur Benjamin - A performance of - Mathemagic - .mp4
├── Arthur Benjamin - Teach statistics before calculus!.mp4
├── Arthur Benjamin - The magic of Fibonacci numbers.mp4
├── Arthur Ganson - Moving sculpture.mp4
├── Arthur Potts Dawson - A vision for sustainable restaurants.mp4
├── Asha de Vos - Why you should care about whale poo.mp4
├── Ashraf Ghani - How to rebuild a broken state.mp4
├── Atul Gawande - How do we heal medicine - .mp4
├── Aubrey de Grey - A roadmap to end aging.mp4
├── Auret van Heerden - Making global labor fair.mp4
├── Avi Reichental - What’s next in 3D printing.mp4
├── Avi Reichental - What’s next in 3D printing.mp4
├── Ayah Bdeir - Building blocks that blink, beep and teach.mp4
├── Aziz Abu Sarah - For more tolerance, we need more ... tourism - .mp4
├── Aziza Chaouni - How I brought a river, and my city, back to life.mp4
├── Bahia Shehab - A thousand times no.mp4
├── Barbara Natterson-Horowitz - What veterinarians know that physicians don't.mp4
├── Barry Schwartz - Our loss of wisdom.mp4
├── Barry Schwartz - The paradox of choice.mp4
├── Bassam Tariq - The beauty and diversity of Muslim life.mp4
├── Bastian Schaefer - A 3D-printed jumbo jet - .mp4
├── Beardyman - The polyphonic me.mp4
├── Béatrice Coron - Stories cut from paper.mp4
├── Beau Lotto + Amy O'Toole - Science is for everyone, kids included.mp4
├── Beau Lotto - Optical illusions show how we see.mp4
├── Becci Manson - (Re)touching lives through photos.mp4
├── Becky Blanton - The year I was homeless.mp4
├── Bel Pesce - 5 ways to kill your dreams.mp4
├── Ben Dunlap - The life-long learner.mp4
├── Ben Goldacre - Battling bad science.mp4
├── Ben Goldacre - What doctors don't know about the drugs they prescribe.mp4
├── Benjamin Barber - Why mayors should rule the world.mp4
├── Benjamin Zander - The transformative power of classical music.mp4
├── Ben Kacyra - Ancient wonders captured in 3D.mp4
├── Ben Katchor - Comics of bygone New York.mp4
├── Benoit Mandelbrot - Fractals and the art of roughness.mp4
├── Ben Saunders - To the South Pole and back — the hardest 105 days of my life.mp4
├── Ben Saunders - To the South Pole and back — the hardest 105 days of my life.mp4
├── Ben Saunders - Why did I ski to the North Pole - .mp4
├── Bernie Krause - The voice of the natural world.mp4
├── Bertrand Piccard - My solar-powered adventure.mp4
├── Beth Noveck - Demand a more open-source government.mp4
├── Beverly + Dereck Joubert - Life lessons from big cats.mp4
├── Bill and Melinda Gates - Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we've done.mp4
├── Bill Clinton - My wish - Rebuilding Rwanda.mp4
├── Bill Davenhall - Your health depends on where you live.mp4
├── Bill Doyle - Treating cancer with electric fields.mp4
├── Bill Ford - A future beyond traffic gridlock.mp4
├── Bill Gates - How state budgets are breaking US schools.mp4
├── Bill Gates - Innovating to zero!.mp4
├── Bill Gates - Mosquitos, malaria and education.mp4
├── Bill Gates - The next outbreak - We’re not ready.mp4
├── Bill Gates - The next outbreak - We’re not ready.mp4
├── Bill Gross - A solar energy system that tracks the sun.mp4
├── Bill Gross - The single biggest reason why startups succeed.mp4
├── Bill Joy - What I'm worried about, what I'm excited about.mp4
├── Bill Stone - I'm going to the moon. Who's with me - .mp4
├── Bill Strickland - Rebuilding a neighborhood with beauty, dignity, hope.mp4
├── Bill T. Jones - The dancer, the singer, the cellist ... and a moment of creative magic.mp4
├── Billy Collins - Everyday moments, caught in time.mp4
├── Billy Collins - Two poems about what dogs think (probably).mp4
├── Billy Graham - On technology and faith.mp4
├── Bjarke Ingels - 3 warp-speed architecture tales.mp4
├── Bjorn Lomborg - Global priorities bigger than climate change.mp4
├── BLACK - My journey to yo-yo mastery.mp4
├── Blaise Agüera y Arcas - Augmented-reality maps.mp4
├── Blaise Agüera y Arcas - How PhotoSynth can connect the world's images.mp4
├── Boaz Almog - The levitating superconductor.mp4
├── Boniface Mwangi - The day I stood up alone.mp4
├── Bonnie Bassler - How bacteria - talk - .mp4
├── Bono - My wish - Three actions for Africa.mp4
├── Bono - The good news on poverty (Yes, there's good news).mp4
├── Boyd Varty - What I learned from Nelson Mandela.mp4
├── Bran Ferren - To create for the ages, let's combine art and engineering.mp4
├── Brenda Laurel - Games for girls.mp4
├── Brené Brown - Listening to shame.mp4
├── Brian Cox - CERN's supercollider.mp4
├── Brian Cox - What went wrong at the LHC.mp4
├── Brian Dettmer - Old books reborn as art.mp4
├── Brian Greene - Is our universe the only universe - .mp4
├── Brian Greene - Making sense of string theory.mp4
├── Bruce Aylward - How we'll stop polio for good.mp4
├── Bruce Bueno de Mesquita - A prediction for the future of Iran.mp4
├── Bruce Feiler - The council of dads.mp4
├── Bruno Bowden + Rufus Cappadocia - Blindfold origami and cello.mp4
├── Bruno Torturra - Got a smartphone - Start broadcasting.mp4
├── Bryan Stevenson - We need to talk about an injustice.mp4
├── Bunker Roy - Learning from a barefoot movement.mp4
├── Burt Rutan - The real future of space exploration.mp4
├── Cameron Sinclair - My wish - A call for open-source architecture.mp4
├── Cameron Sinclair - The refugees of boom-and-bust.mp4
├── Camille Seaman - Haunting photos of polar ice.mp4
├── Camille Seaman - Photos from a storm chaser.mp4
├── Candy Chang - Before I die I want to....mp4
├── Carin Bondar - The birds and the bees are just the beginning.mp4
├── Carl Honoré - In praise of slowness.mp4
├── Carlo Ratti - Architecture that senses and responds.mp4
├── Carl Schoonover - How to look inside the brain.mp4
├── Carmen Agra Deedy - Once upon a time, my mother ....mp4
├── Caroline Casey - Looking past limits.mp4
├── Caroline Lavelle - Casting a spell on the cello.mp4
├── Caroline Phillips - Hurdy-gurdy for beginners.mp4
├── Carolyn Porco - Could a Saturn moon harbor life - .mp4
├── Carolyn Porco - This is Saturn.mp4
├── Carolyn Steel - How food shapes our cities.mp4
├── Carter Emmart - A 3D atlas of the universe.mp4
├── Cary Fowler - One seed at a time, protecting the future of food.mp4
├── Catarina Mota - Play with smart materials.mp4
├── Catherine Crump - The small and surprisingly dangerous detail the police track about you.mp4
├── Catherine Mohr - Surgery's past, present and robotic future.mp4
├── Catherine Mohr - The tradeoffs of building green.mp4
├── Cesar Kuriyama - One second every day.mp4
├── Chade-Meng Tan - Everyday compassion at Google.mp4
├── Charity Tillemann-Dick - Singing after a double lung transplant.mp4
├── Charles Fleischer - All things are Moleeds.mp4
├── Charles Hazlewood - Trusting the ensemble.mp4
├── Charles Leadbeater - The era of open innovation.mp4
├── Charles Limb - Building the musical muscle.mp4
├── Charles Moore - Seas of plastic.mp4
├── Charles Robertson - Africa's next boom.mp4
├── Charmian Gooch - Meet global corruption's hidden players.mp4
├── Charmian Gooch - My wish - To launch a new era of openness in business.mp4
├── Cheryl Hayashi - The magnificence of spider silk.mp4
├── Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - The danger of a single story.mp4
├── Chip Conley - Measuring what makes life worthwhile.mp4
├── Chip Kidd - Designing books is no laughing matter. OK, it is..mp4
├── Chris Abani - On humanity.mp4
├── Chris Abani - Telling stories from Africa.mp4
├── Chris Anderson - How web video powers global innovation.mp4
├── Chris Anderson - Technology's long tail.mp4
├── Chris Anderson - TED's nonprofit transition.mp4
├── Chris Bangle - Great cars are great art.mp4
├── Chris Burkard - The joy of surfing in ice-cold water.mp4
├── Chris Hadfield - What I learned from going blind in space.mp4
├── Chris Jordan - Turning powerful stats into art.mp4
├── Chris Kluwe - How augmented reality will change sports ... and build empathy.mp4
├── Chris Milk - How virtual reality can create the ultimate empathy machine.mp4
├── Christien Meindertsma - How pig parts make the world turn.mp4
├── Christina Warinner - Tracking ancient diseases using ... plaque.mp4
├── Christopher C. Deam - The Airstream, restyled.mp4
├── Christopher deCharms - A look inside the brain in real time.mp4
├── Christopher - moot - Poole - - The case for anonymity online.mp4
├── Christopher Ryan - Are we designed to be sexual omnivores - .mp4
├── Chrystia Freeland - The rise of the new global super-rich.mp4
├── C.K. Williams - Poetry of youth and age.mp4
├── Clay Shirky - How the Internet will (one day) transform government.mp4
├── Clay Shirky - Institutions vs. collaboration.mp4
├── Clayton Cameron - A-rhythm-etic. The math behind the beats.mp4
├── Clifford Stoll - The call to learn.mp4
├── Clint Smith - How to raise a black son in America.mp4
├── Conrad Wolfram - Teaching kids real math with computers.mp4
├── Corneille Ewango - A hero of the Congo forest.mp4
├── Cosmin Mihaiu - Physical therapy is boring -- play a game instead.mp4
├── Courtney Martin - This isn't her mother's feminism.mp4
├── Craig Venter - On the verge of creating synthetic life.mp4
├── Craig Venter - Sampling the ocean's DNA.mp4
├── Cynthia Breazeal - The rise of personal robots.mp4
├── Cynthia Kenyon - Experiments that hint of longer lives.mp4
├── Cynthia Schneider - The surprising spread of Idol TV.mp4
├── Dambisa Moyo - Is China the new idol for emerging economies - .mp4
├── Dame Stephanie Shirley - Why do ambitious women have flat heads - .mp4
├── Damian Palin - Mining minerals from seawater.mp4
├── Damon Horowitz - Philosophy in prison.mp4
├── Dan Ariely - Beware conflicts of interest.mp4
├── Dan Ariely - How equal do we want the world to be - You'd be surprised.mp4
├── Dan Ariely - Our buggy moral code.mp4
├── Dan Barber - How I fell in love with a fish.mp4
├── Dan Cobley - What physics taught me about marketing.mp4
├── Dan Dennett - Cute, sexy, sweet, funny.mp4
├── Dan Dennett - Dangerous memes.mp4
├── Dan Dennett - Let's teach religion -- all religion -- in schools.mp4
├── Dan Dennett - The illusion of consciousness.mp4
├── Dan Gilbert - The psychology of your future self.mp4
├── Dan Gilbert - The surprising science of happiness.mp4
├── Dan Gilbert - Why we make bad decisions.mp4
├── Daniel Goleman - Why aren't we more compassionate - .mp4
├── Daniel Kahneman - The riddle of experience vs. memory.mp4
├── Daniel Kish - How I use sonar to navigate the world.mp4
├── Daniel Kraft - A better way to harvest bone marrow.mp4
├── Danielle de Niese - A flirtatious aria.mp4
├── Daniel Libeskind - 17 words of architectural inspiration.mp4
├── Daniel Reisel - The neuroscience of restorative justice.mp4
├── Daniel Suarez - The kill decision shouldn't belong to a robot.mp4
├── Daniel Tammet - Different ways of knowing.mp4
├── Daniel Wolpert - The real reason for brains.mp4
├── Danny Hillis - Back to the future (of 1994).mp4
├── Danny Hillis - The Internet could crash. We need a Plan B.mp4
├── Danny Hillis - Understanding cancer through proteomics.mp4
├── Dan Pallotta - The way we think about charity is dead wrong.mp4
├── Dan Pink - The puzzle of motivation.mp4
├── Daphne Koller - What we're learning from online education.mp4
├── Dave Eggers - My wish - Once Upon a School.mp4
├── Dave Isay - Everyone around you has a story the world needs to hear.mp4
├── Dave Troy - Social maps that reveal a city's intersections — and separations.mp4
├── David Agus - A new strategy in the war on cancer.mp4
├── David Binder - The arts festival revolution.mp4
├── David Bismark - E-voting without fraud.mp4
├── David Blaine - How I held my breath for 17 minutes.mp4
├── David Bolinsky - Visualizing the wonder of a living cell.mp4
├── David Brooks - Should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy - .mp4
├── David Brooks - Should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy - .mp4
├── David Brooks - The social animal.mp4
├── David Byrne, Ethel + Thomas Dolby - - (Nothing But) Flowers - with string quartet.mp4
├── David Byrne - How architecture helped music evolve.mp4
├── David Cameron - The next age of government.mp4
├── David Carson - Design and discovery.mp4
├── David Chalmers - How do you explain consciousness - .mp4
├── David Christian - The history of our world in 18 minutes.mp4
├── David Deutsch - A new way to explain explanation.mp4
├── David Deutsch - Chemical scum that dream of distant quasars.mp4
├── David Eagleman - Can we create new senses for humans - .mp4
├── David Epstein - Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger - .mp4
├── David Gallo - Life in the deep oceans.mp4
├── David Gallo - Underwater astonishments.mp4
├── David Griffin - How photography connects us.mp4
├── David Hanson - Robots that - show emotion - .mp4
├── David Hoffman - Sputnik mania.mp4
├── David Hoffman - What happens when you lose everything.mp4
├── David Holt - The joyful tradition of mountain music.mp4
├── David Kelley - How to build your creative confidence.mp4
├── David Kelley - Human-centered design.mp4
├── David Kwong - Two nerdy obsessions meet -- and it's magic.mp4
├── David Lang - My underwater robot.mp4
├── David Macaulay - An illustrated journey through Rome.mp4
├── David McCandless - The beauty of data visualization.mp4
├── David Merrill - Toy tiles that talk to each other.mp4
├── David Perry - Are games better than life - .mp4
├── David Pogue - 10 top time-saving tech tips.mp4
├── David Pogue - Simplicity sells.mp4
├── David Pogue - The music wars.mp4
├── David Rockwell - A memorial at Ground Zero.mp4
├── David Sengeh - The sore problem of prosthetic limbs.mp4
├── David S. Rose - How to pitch to a VC.mp4
├── David Steindl-Rast - Want to be happy - Be grateful.mp4
├── Dawn Landes - A song for my hero, the woman who rowed into a hurricane.mp4
├── Dean Kamen - Luke, a new prosthetic arm for soldiers.mp4
├── Dean Kamen - The emotion behind invention.mp4
├── Dean Kamen - To invent is to give.mp4
├── Dean Ornish - Healing through diet.mp4
├── Dean Ornish - The killer American diet that's sweeping the planet.mp4
├── Dean Ornish - Your genes are not your fate.mp4
├── Deborah Gordon - The emergent genius of ant colonies.mp4
├── Deborah Gordon - What ants teach us about the brain, cancer and the Internet.mp4
├── Deborah Rhodes - A test that finds 3x more breast tumors, and why it's not available to you.mp4
├── Deborah Scranton - An Iraq war movie crowd-sourced from soldiers.mp4
├── Debra Jarvis - Yes, I survived cancer. But that doesn't define me.mp4
├── Deb Roy - The birth of a word.mp4
├── Del Harvey - Protecting Twitter users (sometimes from themselves).mp4
├── Denis Dutton - A Darwinian theory of beauty.mp4
├── Denise Herzing - Could we speak the language of dolphins - .mp4
├── Dennis Hong - Making a car for blind drivers.mp4
├── Derek Sivers - How to start a movement.mp4
├── Derek Sivers - Keep your goals to yourself.mp4
├── Diana Nyad - Extreme swimming with the world's most dangerous jellyfish.mp4
├── Diana Nyad - Never, ever give up.mp4
├── Diane Benscoter - How cults rewire the brain.mp4
├── Diane Kelly - What we didn't know about penis anatomy.mp4
├── Didier Sornette - How we can predict the next financial crisis.mp4
├── Dilip Ratha - The hidden force in global economics - sending money home.mp4
├── Dimitar Sasselov - How we found hundreds of potential Earth-like planets.mp4
├── Donald Sadoway - The missing link to renewable energy.mp4
├── Dong Woo Jang - The art of bow-making.mp4
├── Don Levy - A cinematic journey through visual effects.mp4
├── Don Norman - 3 ways good design makes you happy.mp4
├── Don Tapscott - Four principles for the open world.mp4
├── Doris Kearns Goodwin - Lessons from past presidents.mp4
├── Drew Curtis - How I beat a patent troll.mp4
├── Eames Demetrios - The design genius of Charles + Ray Eames.mp4
├── Eben Bayer - Are mushrooms the new plastic - .mp4
├── Ed Boyden - A light switch for neurons.mp4
├── Eddie Obeng - Smart failure for a fast-changing world.mp4
├── Eddi Reader - - Kiteflyer's Hill - .mp4
├── Eddi Reader - - What You've Got - .mp4
├── Eddy Cartaya - My glacier cave discoveries.mp4
├── Ed Gavagan - A story about knots and surgeons.mp4
├── Edith Widder - How we found the giant squid.mp4
├── Edith Widder - The weird, wonderful world of bioluminescence.mp4
├── Eduardo Paes - The 4 commandments of cities.mp4
├── Ed Ulbrich - How Benjamin Button got his face.mp4
├── Edward Burtynsky - My wish - Manufactured landscapes and green education.mp4
├── Edward Burtynsky - Photographing the landscape of oil.mp4
├── Edward Snowden - Here's how we take back the Internet.mp4
├── Edward Tenner - Unintended consequences.mp4
├── Ed Yong - Zombie roaches and other parasite tales.mp4
├── Einstein the Parrot - A talking, squawking parrot.mp4
├── Elaine Morgan - I believe we evolved from aquatic apes.mp4
├── Eleanor Longden - The voices in my head.mp4
├── Eleni Gabre-Madhin - A commodities exchange for Ethiopia.mp4
├── Eli Beer - The fastest ambulance - A motorcycle.mp4
├── Elif Shafak - The politics of fiction.mp4
├── Eli Pariser - Beware online - filter bubbles - .mp4
├── Elizabeth Gilbert - Success, failure and the drive to keep creating.mp4
├── Elizabeth Gilbert - Your elusive creative genius.mp4
├── Elizabeth Lesser - Take - the Other - to lunch.mp4
├── Elizabeth Lindsey - Curating humanity's heritage.mp4
├── Elizabeth Loftus - How reliable is your memory - .mp4
├── Elizabeth Murchison - Fighting a contagious cancer.mp4
├── Elizabeth Pisani - Sex, drugs and HIV -- let's get rational.mp4
├── Ellen Jorgensen - Biohacking -- you can do it, too.mp4
├── Elliot Krane - The mystery of chronic pain.mp4
├── Elon Musk - The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity ....mp4
├── Elora Hardy - Magical houses, made of bamboo.mp4
├── Elyn Saks - A tale of mental illness -- from the inside.mp4
├── Eman Mohammed - The courage to tell a hidden story.mp4
├── Emily Levine - A theory of everything.mp4
├── Emily Oster - Flip your thinking on AIDS in Africa.mp4
├── Emily Pilloton - Teaching design for change.mp4
├── Emmanuel Jal - The music of a war child.mp4
├── E.O. Wilson - Advice to young scientists.mp4
├── E.O. Wilson - My wish - Build the Encyclopedia of Life.mp4
├── Eric Berlow and Sean Gourley - Mapping ideas worth spreading.mp4
├── Eric Berlow - Simplifying complexity.mp4
├── Eric Dishman - Take health care off the mainframe.mp4
├── Eric Giler - A demo of wireless electricity.mp4
├── Eric Lewis - Chaos and harmony on piano.mp4
├── Eric Lewis - Piano jazz that rocks.mp4
├── Eric Mead - The magic of the placebo.mp4
├── Eric Sanderson - New York -- before the City.mp4
├── Eric Topol - The wireless future of medicine.mp4
├── Eric Whitacre - A virtual choir 2,000 voices strong.mp4
├── Eric Whitacre - Virtual Choir Live.mp4
├── Eric X. Li - A tale of two political systems.mp4
├── Erik Brynjolfsson - The key to growth - Race with the machines.mp4
├── Erik Hersman - Reporting crisis via texting.mp4
├── Erin McKean - Go ahead, make up new words!.mp4
├── Erin McKean - The joy of lexicography.mp4
├── Ernest Madu - World-class health care.mp4
├── Esta Soler - How we turned the tide on domestic violence (Hint - the Polaroid helped).mp4
├── Esther Duflo - Social experiments to fight poverty.mp4
├── Esther Perel - Rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved.mp4
├── Ethan Nadelmann - Why we need to end the War on Drugs.mp4
├── Ethan Zuckerman - Listening to global voices.mp4
├── Ethel - A string quartet plays - Blue Room - .mp4
├── Euvin Naidoo - Why invest in Africa.mp4
├── Evan Grant - Making sound visible through cymatics.mp4
├── Evan Williams - The voices of Twitter users.mp4
├── Eva Vertes - Meet the future of cancer research.mp4
├── Eva Zeisel - The playful search for beauty.mp4
├── Eve Ensler - Happiness in body and soul.mp4
├── Eve Ensler - Suddenly, my body.mp4
├── Eve Ensler - What security means to me.mp4
├── Evelyn Glennie - How to truly listen.mp4
├── Evgeny Morozov - How the Net aids dictatorships.mp4
├── Eythor Bender - Human exoskeletons -- for war and healing.mp4
├── Fabian Oefner - Psychedelic science.mp4
├── Fabien Cousteau - What I learned from spending 31 days underwater.mp4
├── Fei-Fei Li - How we're teaching computers to understand pictures.mp4
├── Felix Dennis - Odes to vice and consequences.mp4
├── Fiorenzo Omenetto - Silk, the ancient material of the future.mp4
├── Francis Collins - We need better drugs -- now.mp4
├── Franco Sacchi - A tour of Nollywood, Nigeria's booming film industry.mp4
├── Frank Gehry - A master architect asks, Now what - .mp4
├── Frank Gehry - My days as a young rebel.mp4
├── Frank Warren - Half a million secrets.mp4
├── Frans Lanting - Photos that give voice to the animal kingdom.mp4
├── Frans Lanting - The story of life in photographs.mp4
├── Frederick Balagadde - Bio-lab on a microchip.mp4
├── Fred Jansen - How to land on a comet.mp4
├── Fredy Peccerelli - A forensic anthropologist who brings closure for the  - disappeared - .mp4
├── Freeman Dyson - Let's look for life in the outer solar system.mp4
├── Freeman Hrabowski - 4 pillars of college success in science.mp4
├── Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly - Be passionate. Be courageous. Be your best..mp4
├── Gabriel Barcia-Colombo - Capturing memories in video art.mp4
├── Gail Reed - Where to train the world's doctors - Cuba..mp4
├── Garik Israelian - How spectroscopy could reveal alien life.mp4
├── Garrett Lisi - An 8-dimensional model of the universe.mp4
├── Gary Flake - Is Pivot a turning point for web exploration - .mp4
├── Gary Haugen - The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now.mp4
├── Gary Kovacs - Tracking our online trackers.mp4
├── Gary Lauder's new traffic sign - Take Turns.mp4
├── Gary Slutkin - Let's treat violence like a contagious disease.mp4
├── Gavin Pretor-Pinney - Cloudy with a chance of joy.mp4
├── Gavin Schmidt - The emergent patterns of climate change.mp4
├── Geena Rocero - Why I must come out.mp4
├── Geoff Mulgan - A short intro to the Studio School.mp4
├── Geoff Mulgan - Post-crash, investing in a better world.mp4
├── Geoffrey West - The surprising math of cities and corporations.mp4
├── George Ayittey - Africa's cheetahs versus hippos.mp4
├── George Dyson - The birth of the computer.mp4
├── George Dyson - The story of Project Orion.mp4
├── George Monbiot - For more wonder, rewild the world.mp4
├── George Papandreou - Imagine a European democracy without borders.mp4
├── George Whitesides - Toward a science of simplicity.mp4
├── Gero Miesenboeck - Re-engineering the brain.mp4
├── Gever Tulley - 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do.mp4
├── Gever Tulley - Life lessons through tinkering.mp4
├── Glenn Greenwald - Why privacy matters.mp4
├── Golan Levin - Art that looks back at you.mp4
├── Golan Levin - Software (as) art.mp4
├── Gordon Brown - Global ethic vs. national interest.mp4
├── Gordon Brown - Wiring a web for global good.mp4
├── Grégoire Courtine - The paralyzed rat that walked.mp4
├── Graham Hawkes - A flight through the ocean.mp4
├── Graham Hill - Less stuff, more happiness.mp4
├── Graham Hill - Why I'm a weekday vegetarian.mp4
├── Greg Asner - Ecology from the air.mp4
├── Greg Gage - How to control someone else's arm with your brain.mp4
├── Greg Lynn - Organic algorithms in architecture.mp4
├── Grégoire Courtine - The paralyzed rat that walked.mp4
├── Gregory Petsko - The coming neurological epidemic.mp4
├── Gregory Stock - To upgrade is human.mp4
├── Gustavo Dudamel and the Teresa Carre√±o Youth Orchestra - El Sistema's top youth orchestra.mp4
├── Haas&Hahn - How painting can transform communities.mp4
├── Halla Tomasdottir - A feminine response to Iceland's financial crash.mp4
├── Handspring Puppet Co. - The genius puppetry behind War Horse.mp4
├── Hanna Rosin - New data on the rise of women.mp4
├── Hans Rosling - Insights on HIV, in stunning data visuals.mp4
├── Hans Rosling - New insights on poverty.mp4
├── Hans Rosling - The best stats you've ever seen.mp4
├── Hans Rosling - The magic washing machine.mp4
├── Harald Haas - Wireless data from every light bulb.mp4
├── Harvey Fineberg - Are we ready for neo-evolution - .mp4
├── Hasan Elahi - FBI, here I am!.mp4
├── Hawa Abdi + Deqo Mohamed - Mother and daughter doctor-heroes.mp4
├── Heather Brooke - My battle to expose government corruption.mp4
├── Heather Knight - Silicon-based comedy.mp4
├── Hector Ruiz - The thinking behind 50x15.mp4
├── Helder Guimarães - A magical search for a coincidence.mp4
├── Helder Guimarães - A magical search for a coincidence.mp4
├── Helen Fisher - The brain in love.mp4
├── Helen Fisher - Why we love, why we cheat.mp4
├── Henry Lin - What we can learn from galaxies far, far away.mp4
├── Henry Markram - A brain in a supercomputer.mp4
├── Herbie Hancock - An all-star set.mp4
├── Heribert Watzke - The brain in your gut.mp4
├── Hetain Patel - Who am I - Think again.mp4
├── Hillel Cooperman - Legos for grownups.mp4
├── Hod Lipson - Building - self-aware - robots.mp4
├── Holly Morris - Why stay in Chernobyl - Because it's home..mp4
├── Homaro Cantu + Ben Roche - Cooking as alchemy.mp4
├── Howard Rheingold - The new power of collaboration.mp4
├── Hugh Herr - The new bionics that let us run, climb and dance.mp4
├── Hyeonseo Lee - My escape from North Korea.mp4
├── Iain Hutchison - Saving faces - A facial surgeon's craft.mp4
├── Ian Goldin - Navigating our global future.mp4
├── Ian Ritchie - The day I turned down Tim Berners-Lee.mp4
├── Ilona Szabó de Carvalho - 4 lessons I learned from taking a stand against drugs and gun violence.mp4
├── Imogen Heap - - Wait It Out - .mp4
├── Improv Everywhere - A TED speaker's worst nightmare.mp4
├── Inge Missmahl - Bringing peace to the minds of Afghanistan.mp4
├── Iqbal Quadir - How mobile phones can fight poverty.mp4
├── Irwin Redlener - How to survive a nuclear attack.mp4
├── Isaac Mizrahi - Fashion and creativity.mp4
├── Isabel Allende - How to live passionately—no matter your age.mp4
├── Isabel Allende - How to live passionately—no matter your age.mp4
├── Isabel Allende - Tales of passion.mp4
├── Isabel Behncke - Evolution's gift of play, from bonobo apes to humans.mp4
├── Itay Talgam - Lead like the great conductors.mp4
├── Ivan Krastev - Can democracy exist without trust - .mp4
├── Ivan Oransky - Are we over-medicalized - .mp4
├── Jaap de Roode - How butterflies self-medicate.mp4
├── Jacek Utko - Can design save newspapers - .mp4
├── Jack Andraka - A promising test for pancreatic cancer ... from a teenager.mp4
├── Jack Choi - On the virtual dissection table.mp4
├── Jack Horner - Building a dinosaur from a chicken.mp4
├── Jacqueline Novogratz - An escape from poverty.mp4
├── Jacqueline Novogratz - Inspiring a life of immersion.mp4
├── Jacqueline Novogratz - Invest in Africa's own solutions.mp4
├── Jacqueline Novogratz - Patient capitalism.mp4
├── Jae Rhim Lee - My mushroom burial suit.mp4
├── Jaime Lerner - A song of the city.mp4
├── Jakob Trollback - A new kind of music video.mp4
├── Jamais Cascio - Tools for a better world.mp4
├── James Balog - Time-lapse proof of extreme ice loss.mp4
├── James Burchfield - Playing invisible turntables.mp4
├── James Cameron - Before Avatar ... a curious boy.mp4
├── James Flynn - Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents'.mp4
├── James Geary - Metaphorically speaking.mp4
├── James Hansen - Why I must speak out about climate change.mp4
├── James Howard Kunstler - The ghastly tragedy of the suburbs.mp4
├── James Lyne - Everyday cybercrime -- and what you can do about it.mp4
├── James Nachtwey - Moving photos of extreme drug-resistant TB.mp4
├── James Nachtwey - My wish - Let my photographs bear witness.mp4
├── James Randi - Homeopathy, quackery and fraud.mp4
├── James Stavridis - A Navy Admiral's thoughts on global security.mp4
├── James Surowiecki - The power and the danger of online crowds.mp4
├── James Watson - How we discovered DNA.mp4
├── Jamie Drummond - Let's crowdsource the world's goals.mp4
├── Jamie Heywood - The big idea my brother inspired.mp4
├── Jamie Oliver - Teach every child about food.mp4
├── Jamil Abu-Wardeh - The Axis of Evil Middle East Comedy Tour.mp4
├── Jan Chipchase - The anthropology of mobile phones.mp4
├── Jane Goodall - How humans and animals can live together.mp4
├── Jane Goodall - What separates us from chimpanzees - .mp4
├── Jane McGonigal - Gaming can make a better world.mp4
├── Jane McGonigal - Massively multi-player… thumb-wrestling - .mp4
├── Jane McGonigal - Massively multi-player… thumb-wrestling - .mp4
├── Jane McGonigal - The game that can give you 10 extra years of life.mp4
├── Janet Echelman - Taking imagination seriously.mp4
├── Janet Iwasa - How animations can help scientists test a hypothesis.mp4
├── Janine Benyus - Biomimicry in action.mp4
├── Janine Benyus - Biomimicry's surprising lessons from nature's engineers.mp4
├── Janna Levin - The sound the universe makes.mp4
├── Jared Diamond - How societies can grow old better.mp4
├── Jared Diamond - Why do societies collapse - .mp4
├── Jared Ficklin - New ways to see music (with color! and fire!).mp4
├── Jarreth Merz - Filming democracy in Ghana.mp4
├── Jason Clay - How big brands can help save biodiversity.mp4
├── Jason McCue - Terrorism is a failed brand.mp4
├── Jason Pontin - Can technology solve our big problems - .mp4
├── Jay Walker - My library of human imagination.mp4
├── Jay Walker - The world's English mania.mp4
├── Jean-Baptiste Michel - The mathematics of history.mp4
├── Jedidah Isler - How I fell in love with quasars, blazars and our incredible universe.mp4
├── Jeff Bezos - The electricity metaphor for the web's future.mp4
├── Jeff Han - The radical promise of the multi-touch interface.mp4
├── Jeff Hawkins - How brain science will change computing.mp4
├── Jeff Iliff - One more reason to get a good night’s sleep.mp4
├── Jeffrey Brown - How we cut youth violence in Boston by 79 percent.mp4
├── Jeff Skoll - My journey into movies that matter.mp4
├── Jehane Noujaim - My wish - A global day of film.mp4
├── Jennifer Granholm - A clean energy proposal -- race to the top!.mp4
├── Jennifer Lin - Improvising on piano, aged 14.mp4
├── Jennifer Pahlka - Coding a better government.mp4
├── Jennifer Senior - For parents, happiness is a very high bar.mp4
├── Jeremy Gilley - One day of peace.mp4
├── Jeremy Kasdin - The flower-shaped starshade that might help us detect Earth-like planets.mp4
├── Jessa Gamble - Our natural sleep cycle is nothing like what we do now.mp4
├── Jessica Green - Are we filtering the wrong microbes - .mp4
├── Jessica Green - We're covered in germs. Let's design for that..mp4
├── Jessica Jackley - Poverty, money -- and love.mp4
├── Ji-Hae Park - The violin, and my dark night of the soul.mp4
├── Jill Bolte Taylor - My stroke of insight.mp4
├── Jill Sobule - Global warming's theme song, - Manhattan in January - .mp4
├── Jill Sobule + Julia Sweeney - The Jill and Julia Show.mp4
├── Jill Tarter - Join the SETI search.mp4
├── Jim Fallon - Exploring the mind of a killer.mp4
├── Jim Holt - Why does the universe exist - .mp4
├── Jimmy Nelson - Gorgeous portraits of the world's vanishing people.mp4
├── Jimmy Wales - The birth of Wikipedia.mp4
├── Jinha Lee - Reach into the computer and grab a pixel.mp4
├── Jinsop Lee - Design for all 5 senses.mp4
├── J.J. Abrams - The mystery box.mp4
├── Joachim de Posada - Don't eat the marshmallow!.mp4
├── Joan Halifax - Compassion and the true meaning of empathy.mp4
├── JoAnn Kuchera-Morin - Stunning data visualization in the AlloSphere.mp4
├── Jody Williams - A realistic vision for world peace.mp4
├── Joe DeRisi - Solving medical mysteries.mp4
├── Joe Landolina - This gel can make you stop bleeding instantly.mp4
├── Joe Madiath - Better toilets, better life.mp4
├── Johanna Blakley - Social media and the end of gender.mp4
├── Johan Rockstrom - Let the environment guide our development.mp4
├── John Doerr - Salvation (and profit) in greentech.mp4
├── John Francis - Walk the earth ... my 17-year vow of silence.mp4
├── John Hardy - My green school dream.mp4
├── John Hockenberry - We are all designers.mp4
├── John Hodgman - Aliens, love -- where are they - .mp4
├── John Hodgman - Design, explained..mp4
├── John Hunter - Teaching with the World Peace Game.mp4
├── John Kasaona - How poachers became caretakers.mp4
├── John La Grou - A plug for smart power outlets.mp4
├── John Lloyd - An inventory of the invisible.mp4
├── John Maeda - Designing for simplicity.mp4
├── John Maeda - How art, technology and design inform creative leaders.mp4
├── John McWhorter - Txtng is killing language. JK!!!.mp4
├── Johnny Lee - Free or cheap Wii Remote hacks.mp4
├── John Underkoffler - Pointing to the future of UI.mp4
├── John Wilbanks - Let's pool our medical data.mp4
├── John Wooden - The difference between winning and succeeding.mp4
├── Joi Ito - Want to innovate - Become a - now-ist - .mp4
├── Jok Church - A circle of caring.mp4
├── Jonathan Drori - Every pollen grain has a story.mp4
├── Jonathan Drori - What we think we know.mp4
├── Jonathan Drori - Why we're storing billions of seeds.mp4
├── Jonathan Eisen - Meet your microbes.mp4
├── Jonathan Haidt - Religion, evolution, and the ecstasy of self-transcendence.mp4
├── Jonathan Haidt - The moral roots of liberals and conservatives.mp4
├── Jonathan Harris - The web as art.mp4
├── Jonathan Harris - The Web's secret stories.mp4
├── Jonathan Klein - Photos that changed the world.mp4
├── Jonathan Trent - Energy from floating algae pods.mp4
├── Jonathan Zittrain - The Web as random acts of kindness.mp4
├── Jon Gosier - The problem with - trickle-down techonomics - .mp4
├── Jon Mooallem - How the teddy bear taught us compassion.mp4
├── Jon Ronson - Strange answers to the psychopath test.mp4
├── Jorge Soto - The future of early cancer detection - .mp4
├── Jose Antonio Abreu - The El Sistema music revolution.mp4
├── Jose Miguel Sokoloff - How Christmas lights helped guerrillas put down their guns.mp4
├── Joseph DeSimone - What if 3D printing was 100x faster - .mp4
├── Joseph Kim - The family I lost in North Korea. And the family I gained..mp4
├── Joseph Lekuton - A parable for Kenya.mp4
├── Joseph Nye - Global power shifts.mp4
├── Joseph Pine - What consumers want.mp4
├── Josette Sheeran - Ending hunger now.mp4
├── Joshua Foer - Feats of memory anyone can do.mp4
├── Joshua Klein - A thought experiment on the intelligence of crows.mp4
├── Joshua Prager - In search of the man who broke my neck.mp4
├── Joshua Prince-Ramus - Behind the design of Seattle's library.mp4
├── Joshua Silver - Adjustable liquid-filled eyeglasses.mp4
├── JR - My wish - Use art to turn the world inside out.mp4
├── JR - One year of turning the world inside out.mp4
├── Juan Enriquez - The life code that will reshape the future.mp4
├── Juan Enriquez - The next species of human.mp4
├── Juan Enriquez - Your online life, permanent as a tattoo.mp4
├── Judy MacDonald Johnston - Prepare for a good end of life.mp4
├── Julia Bacha - Pay attention to nonviolence.mp4
├── Juliana Machado Ferreira - The fight to end rare-animal trafficking in Brazil.mp4
├── Juliana Rotich - Meet BRCK, Internet access built for Africa.mp4
├── Julian Assange - Why the world needs WikiLeaks.mp4
├── Julian Treasure - 5 ways to listen better.mp4
├── Julian Treasure - How to speak so that people want to listen.mp4
├── Julian Treasure - Shh! Sound health in 8 steps.mp4
├── Julian Treasure - The 4 ways sound affects us.mp4
├── Julian Treasure - Why architects need to use their ears.mp4
├── Julia Sweeney - It's time for - The Talk - .mp4
├── Julia Sweeney - Letting go of God.mp4
├── Julie Burstein - 4 lessons in creativity.mp4
├── Julie Taymor - Spider-Man, The Lion King and life on the creative edge.mp4
├── Justin Hall-Tipping - Freeing energy from the grid.mp4
├── Kailash Satyarthi - How to make peace - Get angry.mp4
├── Kaki King - Playing - Pink Noise - on guitar.mp4
├── Kamal Meattle - How to grow fresh air.mp4
├── Karen Armstrong - Let's revive the Golden Rule.mp4
├── Karen Armstrong - My wish - The Charter for Compassion.mp4
├── Karen Bass - Unseen footage, untamed nature.mp4
├── Karen Thompson Walker - What fear can teach us.mp4
├── Karen Tse - How to stop torture.mp4
├── Kary Mullis - A next-gen cure for killer infections.mp4
├── Kary Mullis - Play! Experiment! Discover!.mp4
├── Kate Hartman - The art of wearable communication.mp4
├── Kate Orff - Reviving New York's rivers -- with oysters!.mp4
├── Kate Stone - DJ decks made of... paper.mp4
├── Katherine Fulton - You are the future of philanthropy.mp4
├── Kathryn Schulz - On being wrong.mp4
├── Kees Moeliker - How a dead duck changed my life.mp4
├── Keith Barry - Brain magic.mp4
├── Keith Bellows - The camel's hump.mp4
├── Keith Chen - Could your language affect your ability to save money - .mp4
├── Keller Rinaudo - A mini robot -- powered by your phone.mp4
├── Kelli Swazey - Life that doesn't end with death.mp4
├── Kelly McGonigal - How to make stress your friend.mp4
├── Kenichi Ebina - My magic moves.mp4
├── Ken Kamler - Medical miracle on Everest.mp4
├── Kenneth Shinozuka - My simple invention, designed to keep my grandfather safe.mp4
├── Ken Robinson - Bring on the learning revolution!.mp4
├── Ken Robinson - How schools kill creativity.mp4
├── Keren Elazari - Hackers - the Internet's immune system.mp4
├── Kevin Allocca - Why videos go viral.mp4
├── Kevin Bales - How to combat modern slavery.mp4
├── Kevin Briggs - The bridge between suicide and life.mp4
├── Kevin Kelly - How technology evolves.mp4
├── Kevin Rudd - Are China and the US doomed to conflict - .mp4
├── Kevin Slavin - How algorithms shape our world.mp4
├── Kevin Stone - The bio-future of joint replacement.mp4
├── Kevin Surace - Eco-friendly drywall.mp4
├── Khalida Brohi - How I work to protect women from honor killings.mp4
├── Kimberley Motley - How I defend the rule of law.mp4
├── Kiran Bedi - A police chief with a difference.mp4
├── Kirby Ferguson - Embrace the remix.mp4
├── Kirk Citron - And now, the real news.mp4
├── Kitra Cahana - A glimpse of life on the road.mp4
├── Kitra Cahana - My father, locked in his body but soaring free.mp4
├── Krista Donaldson - The $80 prosthetic knee that's changing lives.mp4
├── Krista Tippett - Reconnecting with compassion.mp4
├── Kristen Ashburn - The face of AIDS in Africa.mp4
├── Kwabena Boahen - A computer that works like the brain.mp4
├── Lakshmi Pratury - The lost art of letter-writing.mp4
├── Larry Brilliant - My wish - Help me stop pandemics.mp4
├── Larry Burns - The future of cars.mp4
├── Larry Page - Where’s Google going next - .mp4
├── Larry Page - Where’s Google going next - .mp4
├── Laura Boushnak - For these women, reading is a daring act.mp4
├── Laura Snyder - The Philosophical Breakfast Club.mp4
├── Laura Trice - Remember to say thank you.mp4
├── Lauren Zalaznick - The conscience of television.mp4
├── Laurie Garrett - Lessons from the 1918 flu.mp4
├── Laurie Santos - A monkey economy as irrational as ours.mp4
├── Lawrence Lessig - Laws that choke creativity.mp4
├── Lawrence Lessig - The unstoppable walk to political reform.mp4
├── Lawrence Lessig - We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim.mp4
├── Leah Buechley - How to - sketch - with electronics.mp4
├── Leana Wen - What your doctor won’t disclose.mp4
├── Lee Cronin - Making matter come alive.mp4
├── Lee Cronin - Print your own medicine.mp4
├── Lee Hotz - Inside an Antarctic time machine.mp4
├── Lee Smolin - Science and democracy.mp4
├── Lemon Andersen - Please don't take my Air Jordans.mp4
├── Lennart Green - Close-up card magic with a twist.mp4
├── Lesley Hazleton - The doubt essential to faith.mp4
├── Leslie T. Chang - The voices of China's workers.mp4
├── Lewis Pugh - How I swam the North Pole.mp4
├── Lewis Pugh - My mind-shifting Everest swim.mp4
├── Leyla Acaroglu - Paper beats plastic - How to rethink environmental folklore.mp4
├── Leymah Gbowee - Unlock the intelligence, passion, greatness of girls.mp4
├── Lian Pin Koh - A drone's-eye view of conservation.mp4
├── Lisa Bu - How books can open your mind.mp4
├── Liu Bolin - The invisible man.mp4
├── Liza Donnelly - Drawing on humor for change.mp4
├── Liz Coleman - A call to reinvent liberal arts education.mp4
├── Liz Diller - A new museum wing ... in a giant bubble.mp4
├── Loretta Napoleoni - The intricate economics of terrorism.mp4
├── Louie Schwartzberg - Hidden miracles of the natural world.mp4
├── Louie Schwartzberg - The hidden beauty of pollination.mp4
├── Louise Fresco - We need to feed the whole world.mp4
├── Louise Leakey - A dig for humanity's origins.mp4
├── Luca Turin - The science of scent.mp4
├── Lucianne Walkowicz - Finding planets around other stars.mp4
├── Lucy McRae - How can technology transform the human body - .mp4
├── Maajid Nawaz - A global culture to fight extremism.mp4
├── Madeleine Albright - On being a woman and a diplomat.mp4
├── Mae Jemison - Teach arts and sciences together.mp4
├── Magnus Larsson - Turning dunes into architecture.mp4
├── Maira Kalman - The illustrated woman.mp4
├── Majora Carter - Greening the ghetto.mp4
├── Malcolm Gladwell - Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce.mp4
├── Malcolm Gladwell - The strange tale of the Norden bombsight.mp4
├── Malte Spitz - Your phone company is watching.mp4
├── Manal al-Sharif - A Saudi woman who dared to drive.mp4
├── Manu Prakash - A 50-cent microscope that folds like origami.mp4
├── Marc Abrahams - A science award that makes you laugh, then think.mp4
├── Marcel Dicke - Why not eat insects - .mp4
├── Marc Goodman - A vision of crimes in the future.mp4
├── Marcin Jakubowski - Open-sourced blueprints for civilization.mp4
├── Marc Koska - 1.3m reasons to re-invent the syringe.mp4
├── Marc Kushner - Why the buildings of the future will be shaped by ... you.mp4
├── Marco Tempest - A cyber-magic card trick like no other.mp4
├── Marco Tempest - A magical tale (with augmented reality).mp4
├── Marco Tempest - And for my next trick, a robot.mp4
├── Marco Tempest - Augmented reality, techno-magic.mp4
├── Marco Tempest - The electric rise and fall of Nikola Tesla.mp4
├── Marco Tempest - The magic of truth and lies (and iPods).mp4
├── Marcus du Sautoy - Symmetry, reality's riddle.mp4
├── Margaret Gould Stewart - How giant websites design for you (and a billion others, too).mp4
├── Margaret Gould Stewart - How YouTube thinks about copyright.mp4
├── Margaret Heffernan - Dare to disagree.mp4
├── Margaret Wertheim - The beautiful math of coral.mp4
├── Mariana Mazzucato - Government -- investor, risk-taker, innovator.mp4
├── Marian Bantjes - Intricate beauty by design.mp4
├── Marisa Fick-Jordan - The wonder of Zulu wire art.mp4
├── Mark Bezos - A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter.mp4
├── Mark Kendall - Demo - A needle-free vaccine patch that's safer and way cheaper.mp4
├── Mark Pagel - How language transformed humanity.mp4
├── Mark Plotkin - What the people of the Amazon know that you don’t.mp4
├── Mark Ronson - How sampling transformed music.mp4
├── Mark Roth - Suspended animation is within our grasp.mp4
├── Mark Shaw - One very dry demo.mp4
├── Markus Fischer - A robot that flies like a bird.mp4
├── Marla Spivak - Why bees are disappearing.mp4
├── Martine Rothblatt - My daughter, my wife, our robot, and the quest for immortality.mp4
├── Martin Rees - Can we prevent the end of the world - .mp4
├── Martin Rees - Is this our final century - .mp4
├── Martin Seligman - The new era of positive psychology.mp4
├── Martin Villeneuve - How I made an impossible film.mp4
├── Marvin Minsky - Health and the human mind.mp4
├── Mary Lou Jepsen - Could future devices read images from our brains - .mp4
├── Mary Roach - 10 things you didn't know about orgasm.mp4
├── Massimo Banzi - How Arduino is open-sourcing imagination.mp4
├── Mathieu Lehanneur - Science-inspired design.mp4
├── Matt Cutts - Try something new for 30 days.mp4
├── Matthew Carter - My life in typefaces.mp4
├── Matthew Childs - 9 life lessons from rock climbing.mp4
├── Matthew White - The modern euphonium.mp4
├── Matthieu Ricard - How to let altruism be your guide.mp4
├── Matthieu Ricard - The habits of happiness.mp4
├── Matt Mills - Image recognition that triggers augmented reality.mp4
├── Matt Ridley - When ideas have sex.mp4
├── Maurizio Seracini - The secret lives of paintings.mp4
├── Max Little - A test for Parkinson's with a phone call.mp4
├── Maya Beiser - A cello with many voices.mp4
├── Maya Penn - Meet a young entrepreneur, cartoonist, designer, activist ….mp4
├── May El-Khalil - Making peace is a marathon.mp4
├── Maysoon Zayid - I got 99 problems... palsy is just one.mp4
├── Maz Jobrani - Did you hear the one about the Iranian-American - .mp4
├── McKenna Pope - Want to be an activist - Start with your toys.mp4
├── Meg Jay - Why 30 is not the new 20.mp4
├── Melissa Fleming - Let’s help refugees thrive, not just survive.mp4
├── Melissa Marshall - Talk nerdy to me.mp4
├── Mellody Hobson - Color blind or color brave - .mp4
├── Mena Trott - Meet the founder of the blog revolution.mp4
├── Michael Anti - Behind the Great Firewall of China.mp4
├── Michael Green - What the Social Progress Index can reveal about your country.mp4
├── Michael Green - Why we should build wooden skyscrapers.mp4
├── Michael Hansmeyer - Building unimaginable shapes.mp4
├── Michael Merzenich - Growing evidence of brain plasticity.mp4
├── Michael Moschen - Juggling as art ... and science.mp4
├── Michael Pollan - A plant's-eye view.mp4
├── Michael Porter - Why business can be good at solving social problems.mp4
├── Michael Pritchard - How to make filthy water drinkable.mp4
├── Michael Sandel - The lost art of democratic debate.mp4
├── Michael Sandel - Why we shouldn't trust markets with our civic life.mp4
├── Michael Shermer - The pattern behind self-deception.mp4
├── Michael Shermer - Why people believe weird things.mp4
├── Michael Specter - The danger of science denial.mp4
├── Michael Tilson Thomas - Music and emotion through time.mp4
├── Michel Laberge - How synchronized hammer strikes could generate nuclear fusion.mp4
├── Mick Cornett - How an obese town lost a million pounds.mp4
├── Miguel Nicolelis - A monkey that controls a robot with its thoughts. No, really..mp4
├── Miguel Nicolelis - Brain-to-brain communication has arrived. How we did it.mp4
├── Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Flow, the secret to happiness.mp4
├── Mike Biddle - We can recycle plastic.mp4
├── Mike Matas - A next-generation digital book.mp4
├── Mikko Hypponen - Fighting viruses, defending the net.mp4
├── Milton Glaser - Using design to make ideas new.mp4
├── Mina Bissell - Experiments that point to a new understanding of cancer.mp4
├── Misha Glenny - Hire the hackers!.mp4
├── Misha Glenny - How global crime networks work.mp4
├── Mitchell Besser - Mothers helping mothers fight HIV.mp4
├── Mitchell Joachim - Don't build your home, grow it!.mp4
├── Miwa Matreyek - Glorious visions in animation and performance.mp4
├── Molly Stevens - A new way to grow bone.mp4
├── Monica Lewinsky - The price of shame.mp4
├── Monika Bulaj - The hidden light of Afghanistan.mp4
├── Morgan Spurlock - The greatest TED Talk ever sold.mp4
├── Moshe Safdie - Building uniqueness.mp4
├── Moshe Safdie - How to reinvent the apartment building.mp4
├── Mundano - Pimp my ... trash cart - .mp4
├── Murray Gell-Mann - Beauty, truth and ... physics - .mp4
├── Murray Gell-Mann - The ancestor of language.mp4
├── Nadia Al-Sakkaf - See Yemen through my eyes.mp4
├── Nadine Burke Harris - How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime.mp4
├── Naif Al-Mutawa - Superheroes inspired by Islam.mp4
├── Nalini Nadkarni - Conserving the canopy.mp4
├── Nalini Nadkarni - Life science in prison.mp4
├── Nancy Etcoff - Happiness and its surprises.mp4
├── Nancy Kanwisher - A neural portrait of the human mind.mp4
├── Nancy Lublin - Texting that saves lives.mp4
├── Nandan Nilekani - Ideas for India's future.mp4
├── Naomi Klein - Addicted to risk.mp4
├── Natalie MacMaster - Cape Breton fiddling in reel time.mp4
├── Natalie MacMaster - Fiddling in reel time.mp4
├── Natalie Merchant - Singing old poems to life.mp4
├── Natasha Tsakos - A multimedia theatrical adventure.mp4
├── Nate Silver - Does racism affect how you vote - .mp4
├── Nathalie Cabrol - How Mars might hold the secret to the origin of life.mp4
├── Nathalie Miebach - Art made of storms.mp4
├── Nathaniel Kahn - Scenes from - My Architect - .mp4
├── Nathan Myhrvold - Archeology, animal photography, BBQ ....mp4
├── Nathan Myhrvold - Cooking as never seen before.mp4
├── Nathan Myhrvold - Could this laser zap malaria - .mp4
├── Nathan Wolfe - The jungle search for viruses.mp4
├── Nathan Wolfe - What's left to explore - .mp4
├── Naturally 7 - A full-band beatbox.mp4
├── Navi Radjou - Creative problem-solving in the face of extreme limits.mp4
├── Neil Gershenfeld - Unleash your creativity in a Fab Lab.mp4
├── Neil Harbisson - I listen to color.mp4
├── Neil MacGregor - 2600 years of history in one object.mp4
├── Neil Turok - My wish - Find the next Einstein in Africa.mp4
├── Nellie McKay - - Clonie - .mp4
├── Nellie McKay - - Mother of Pearl, - - If I Had You - .mp4
├── Nellie McKay - - The Dog Song - .mp4
├── Newton Aduaka - The story of Ezra.mp4
├── Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala - Aid versus trade.mp4
├── Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala - Want to help Africa - Do business here.mp4
├── Niall Ferguson - The 6 killer apps of prosperity.mp4
├── Nicholas Christakis - The hidden influence of social networks.mp4
├── Nicholas Negroponte - 5 predictions, from 1984.mp4
├── Nicholas Negroponte - A 30-year history of the future.mp4
├── Nicholas Negroponte - One Laptop per Child.mp4
├── Nick Bostrom - A philosophical quest for our biggest problems.mp4
├── Nick Bostrom - What happens when our computers get smarter than we are - .mp4
├── Nick Sears - Demo - The Orb.mp4
├── Nick Veasey - Exposing the invisible.mp4
├── Nic Marks - The Happy Planet Index.mp4
├── Niels Diffrient - Rethinking the way we sit down.mp4
├── Nilofer Merchant - Got a meeting - Take a walk.mp4
├── Nina Jablonski - Skin color is an illusion.mp4
├── Nina Tandon - Caring for engineered tissue.mp4
├── Nina Tandon - Could tissue engineering mean personalized medicine - .mp4
├── Nizar Ibrahim - How we unearthed the spinosaurus.mp4
├── Noah Feldman - Politics and religion are technologies.mp4
├── Olafur Eliasson - Playing with space and light.mp4
├── Oliver Sacks - What hallucination reveals about our minds.mp4
├── Omar Ahmad - Political change with pen and paper.mp4
├── Oren Yakobovich - Hidden cameras that film injustice in the world’s most dangerous places.mp4
├── Ory Okolloh - How I became an activist.mp4
├── Pamela Meyer - How to spot a liar.mp4
├── Pamela Ronald - The case for engineering our food.mp4
├── Pamelia Kurstin - The untouchable music of the theremin.mp4
├── Pankaj Ghemawat - Actually, the world isn't flat.mp4
├── Paola Antonelli - Treat design as art.mp4
├── Paolo Cardini - Forget multitasking, try monotasking.mp4
├── Parag Khanna - Mapping the future of countries.mp4
├── Péter Fankhauser - Meet Rezero, the dancing ballbot.mp4
├── Patricia Burchat - Shedding light on dark matter.mp4
├── Patrick Awuah - How to educate leaders - Liberal arts.mp4
├── Patrick Chappatte - The power of cartoons.mp4
├── Pattie Maes + Pranav Mistry - Meet the SixthSense interaction.mp4
├── Paula Johnson - His and hers … healthcare.mp4
├── Paul Bennett - Design is in the details.mp4
├── Paul Bloom - The origins of pleasure.mp4
├── Paul Collier - The - bottom billion - .mp4
├── Paul Ewald - Can we domesticate germs - .mp4
├── Paul Gilding - The Earth is full.mp4
├── Paul Kemp-Robertson - Bitcoin. Sweat. Tide. Meet the future of branded currency..mp4
├── Paul MacCready - A flight on solar wings.mp4
├── Paul MacCready - Nature vs. humans.mp4
├── Paul Moller - My dream of a flying car.mp4
├── Paul Nicklen - Tales of ice-bound wonderlands.mp4
├── Paul Romer - The world's first charter city - .mp4
├── Paul Romer - Why the world needs charter cities.mp4
├── Paul Rothemund - DNA folding, in detail.mp4
├── Paul Rothemund - Playing with DNA that self-assembles.mp4
├── Paul Sereno - Digging up dinosaurs.mp4
├── Paul Snelgrove - A census of the ocean.mp4
├── Paul Stamets - 6 ways mushrooms can save the world.mp4
├── Paul Tudor Jones II - Why we need to rethink capitalism.mp4
├── Paul Zak - Trust, morality -- and oxytocin - .mp4
├── Pavan Sukhdev - Put a value on nature!.mp4
├── Penelope Boston - There might just be life on Mars.mp4
├── Pete Alcorn - The world in 2200.mp4
├── Peter Attia - Is the obesity crisis hiding a bigger problem - .mp4
├── Peter Diamandis - Abundance is our future.mp4
├── Peter Diamandis - Our next giant leap.mp4
├── Peter Diamandis - Stephen Hawking's zero g flight.mp4
├── Peter Donnelly - How juries are fooled by statistics.mp4
├── Peter Doolittle - How your - working memory - makes sense of the world.mp4
├── Péter Fankhauser - Meet Rezero, the dancing ballbot.mp4
├── Peter Gabriel - Fight injustice with raw video.mp4
├── Peter Molyneux - Meet Milo, the virtual boy.mp4
├── Peter Norvig - The 100,000-student classroom.mp4
├── Peter Singer - The why and how of effective altruism.mp4
├── Peter Ward - A theory of Earth's mass extinctions.mp4
├── Phil Borges - Photos of endangered cultures.mp4
├── Phil Hansen - Embrace the shake.mp4
├── Philip K. Howard - Four ways to fix a broken legal system.mp4
├── Philippe Petit - The journey across the high wire.mp4
├── Philippe Starck - Design and destiny.mp4
├── Philip Zimbardo - The demise of guys - .mp4
├── Philip Zimbardo - The psychology of evil.mp4
├── Philip Zimbardo - The psychology of time.mp4
├── Pia Mancini - How to upgrade democracy for the Internet era.mp4
├── Pico Iyer - Where is home - .mp4
├── Pilobolus - A dance of - Symbiosis - .mp4
├── P.W. Singer - Military robots and the future of war.mp4
├── Quixotic Fusion - Dancing with light.mp4
├── Quyen Nguyen - Color-coded surgery.mp4
├── Rachel Armstrong - Architecture that repairs itself - .mp4
├── Rachel Botsman - The currency of the new economy is trust.mp4
├── Rachelle Garniez - - La Vie en Rose - .mp4
├── Rachel Pike - The science behind a climate headline.mp4
├── Rachel Sussman - The world's oldest living things.mp4
├── Raffaello D'Andrea - The astounding athletic power of quadcopters.mp4
├── Raghava KK - My 5 lives as an artist.mp4
├── Raghava KK - Shake up your story.mp4
├── Rajesh Rao - A Rosetta Stone for a lost language.mp4
├── Ralph Langner - Cracking Stuxnet, a 21st-century cyber weapon.mp4
├── Ramanan Laxminarayan - The coming crisis in antibiotics.mp4
├── Ramesh Raskar - Imaging at a trillion frames per second.mp4
├── Randall Munroe - Comics that ask - what if - - .mp4
├── Raspyni Brothers - Juggle and jest.mp4
├── Raul Midon - - Peace on Earth - .mp4
├── Raul Midon - - Tembererana - .mp4
├── Ray Anderson - The business logic of sustainability.mp4
├── Ray Kurzweil - A university for the coming singularity.mp4
├── Ray Kurzweil - Get ready for hybrid thinking.mp4
├── Ray Kurzweil - The accelerating power of technology.mp4
├── Ray Zahab - My trek to the South Pole.mp4
├── Read Montague - What we're learning from 5,000 brains.mp4
├── Rebecca MacKinnon - Let's take back the Internet!.mp4
├── Rebecca Onie - What if our healthcare system kept us healthy - .mp4
├── Rebecca Saxe - How we read each other's minds.mp4
├── Reed Kroloff - A tour of modern architecture.mp4
├── Reggie Watts - Beats that defy boxes.mp4
├── Regina Dugan - From mach-20 glider to hummingbird drone.mp4
├── Renata Salecl - Our unhealthy obsession with choice.mp4
├── Renny Gleeson - 404, the story of a page not found.mp4
├── Renny Gleeson - Our antisocial phone tricks.mp4
├── Reuben Margolin - Sculpting waves in wood and time.mp4
├── Ricardo Semler - How to run a company with (almost) no rules.mp4
├── Ric Elias - 3 things I learned while my plane crashed.mp4
├── Richard Baraniuk - The birth of the open-source learning revolution.mp4
├── Richard Branson - Life at 30,000 feet.mp4
├── Richard Dawkins - Militant atheism.mp4
├── Richard Dawkins - Why the universe seems so strange.mp4
├── Richard Ledgett - The NSA responds to Edward Snowden’s TED Talk.mp4
├── Richard Ledgett - The NSA responds to Edward Snowden’s TED Talk.mp4
├── Richard Preston - The mysterious lives of giant trees.mp4
├── Richard Pyle - A dive into the reef's Twilight Zone.mp4
├── Richard Sears - Planning for the end of oil.mp4
├── Richard St. John - 8 secrets of success.mp4
├── Richard St. John - Success is a continuous journey.mp4
├── Richard Turere - My invention that made peace with lions.mp4
├── Richard Wilkinson - How economic inequality harms societies.mp4
├── Rick Warren - A life of purpose.mp4
├── Rives - A mockingbird remix of TED2006.mp4
├── Rives - A story of mixed emoticons.mp4
├── Rives - The 4 a.m. mystery.mp4
├── Robert Ballard - The astonishing hidden world of the deep ocean.mp4
├── Robert Fischell - My wish - Three unusual medical inventions.mp4
├── Robert Full - Learning from the gecko's tail.mp4
├── Robert Full - Robots inspired by cockroach ingenuity.mp4
├── Robert Full - The secrets of nature's grossest creatures, channeled into robots.mp4
├── Robert Full - The sticky wonder of gecko feet.mp4
├── Robert Gordon - The death of innovation, the end of growth.mp4
├── Robert Gupta - Between music and medicine.mp4
├── Robert Gupta + Joshua Roman - On violin and cello, - Passacaglia - .mp4
├── Robert Gupta - Music is medicine, music is sanity.mp4
├── Robert Hammond - Building a park in the sky.mp4
├── Robert Lang - The math and magic of origami.mp4
├── Robert Muggah - How to protect fast-growing cities from failing.mp4
├── Robert Neuwirth - The hidden world of shadow cities.mp4
├── Robert Neuwirth - The power of the informal economy.mp4
├── Roberto D'Angelo + Francesca Fedeli - In our baby's illness, a life lesson.mp4
├── Robert Swan - Let's save the last pristine continent.mp4
├── Robert Wright - Progress is not a zero-sum game.mp4
├── Rob Forbes - Ways of seeing.mp4
├── Rob Hopkins - Transition to a world without oil.mp4
├── Robin Chase - Excuse me, may I rent your car - .mp4
├── Robin Chase - The idea behind Zipcar (and what comes next).mp4
├── Robin Ince - Science versus wonder - .mp4
├── Rob Knight - How our microbes make us who we are.mp4
├── Rob Legato - The art of creating awe.mp4
├── Rob Reid - The $8 billion iPod.mp4
├── Rodney Brooks - Robots will invade our lives.mp4
├── Rodney Brooks - Why we will rely on robots.mp4
├── Roger Ebert - Remaking my voice.mp4
├── Roman Mars - Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you've never noticed.mp4
├── Ron Eglash - The fractals at the heart of African designs.mp4
├── Ron Finley - A guerilla gardener in South Central LA.mp4
├── Ron Gutman - The hidden power of smiling.mp4
├── Rory Bremner - A one-man world summit.mp4
├── Rory Stewart - Time to end the war in Afghanistan.mp4
├── Rory Sutherland - Life lessons from an ad man.mp4
├── Rose George - Let's talk crap. Seriously..mp4
├── Rosie King - How autism freed me to be myself.mp4
├── Ross Lovegrove - Organic design, inspired by nature.mp4
├── Roy Gould + Curtis Wong - A preview of the WorldWide Telescope.mp4
├── Ruby Wax - What's so funny about mental illness - .mp4
├── Rufus Griscom + Alisa Volkman - Let's talk parenting taboos.mp4
├── Rupal Patel - Synthetic voices, as unique as fingerprints.mp4
├── Russell Foster - Why do we sleep - .mp4
├── Ryan Merkley - Online video -- annotated, remixed and popped.mp4
├── Saki Mafundikwa - Ingenuity and elegance in ancient African alphabets.mp4
├── Salman Khan - Let's use video to reinvent education.mp4
├── Samantha Power - A complicated hero in the war on dictatorship.mp4
├── Sam Harris - Science can answer moral questions.mp4
├── Sam Martin - Claim your - manspace - .mp4
├── Sandra Aamodt - Why dieting doesn't usually work.mp4
├── Sangu Delle - In praise of macro -- yes, macro -- finance in Africa.mp4
├── Sanjay Dastoor - A skateboard, with a boost.mp4
├── Sanjay Pradhan - How open data is changing international aid.mp4
├── Sarah Bergbreiter - Why I make robots the size of a grain of rice.mp4
├── Sarah-Jayne Blakemore - The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain.mp4
├── Sarah Jones - A one-woman global village.mp4
├── Sarah Jones - What does the future hold - 11 characters offer quirky answers.mp4
├── Sarah Kay - If I should have a daughter ....mp4
├── Sarah Lewis - Embrace the near win.mp4
├── Sarah Parcak - Archaeology from space.mp4
├── Sara Lewis - The loves and lies of fireflies.mp4
├── Sara Seager - The search for planets beyond our solar system.mp4
├── Sasa Vucinic - Why we should invest in a free press.mp4
├── Saul Griffith - Everyday inventions.mp4
├── Saul Griffith - High-altitude wind energy from kites!.mp4
├── Scott McCloud - The visual magic of comics.mp4
├── Sean Gourley - The mathematics of war.mp4
├── Sebastian Seung - I am my connectome.mp4
├── Sebastian Thrun - Google's driverless car.mp4
├── Sebastian Wernicke - Lies, damned lies and statistics (about TEDTalks).mp4
├── Sebastião Salgado - The silent drama of photography.mp4
├── Sergey Brin + Larry Page - The genesis of Google.mp4
├── Sergey Brin - Why Google Glass - .mp4
├── Seth Berkley - HIV and flu -- the vaccine strategy.mp4
├── Seth Godin - How to get your ideas to spread.mp4
├── Seth Godin - The tribes we lead.mp4
├── Severine Autesserre - To solve mass violence, look to locals.mp4
├── Seyi Oyesola - A hospital tour in Nigeria.mp4
├── Shai Agassi - A new ecosystem for electric cars.mp4
├── Shai Reshef - An ultra-low-cost college degree.mp4
├── Shaka Senghor - Why your worst deeds don’t define you.mp4
├── Shaka Senghor - Why your worst deeds don’t define you.mp4
├── Shane Koyczan - To This Day ... for the bullied and beautiful.mp4
├── ShaoLan - Learn to read Chinese ... with ease!.mp4
├── Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy - Inside a school for suicide bombers.mp4
├── Shea Hembrey - How I became 100 artists.mp4
├── Sheena Iyengar - The art of choosing.mp4
├── Sheikha Al Mayassa - Globalizing the local, localizing the global.mp4
├── Sheila Nirenberg - A prosthetic eye to treat blindness.mp4
├── Sheila Patek - The shrimp with a kick!.mp4
├── Shereen El Feki - A little-told tale of sex and sensuality.mp4
├── Shereen El Feki - Pop culture in the Arab world.mp4
├── Sherry Turkle - Connected, but alone - .mp4
├── Sherwin Nuland - How electroshock therapy changed me.mp4
├── Sherwin Nuland - The extraordinary power of ordinary people.mp4
├── Sheryl Sandberg - So we leaned in ... now what - .mp4
├── Sheryl Sandberg - Why we have too few women leaders.mp4
├── Sheryl WuDunn - Our century's greatest injustice.mp4
├── Shih Chieh Huang - Sculptures that’d be at home in the deep sea.mp4
├── Shih Chieh Huang - Sculptures that’d be at home in the deep sea.mp4
├── Shimon Schocken - The self-organizing computer course.mp4
├── Shirin Neshat - Art in exile.mp4
├── Shubhendu Sharma - How to grow a tiny forest anywhere.mp4
├── Shyam Sankar - The rise of human-computer cooperation.mp4
├── Siddharthan Chandran - Can the damaged brain repair itself - .mp4
├── Siegfried Woldhek - The search for the true face of Leonardo.mp4
├── Simon Sinek - Why good leaders make you feel safe.mp4
├── Sirena Huang - An 11-year-old's magical violin.mp4
├── Skylar Tibbits - Can we make things that make themselves - .mp4
├── Skylar Tibbits - The emergence of - 4D printing - .mp4
├── Sleepy Man Banjo Boys - Bluegrass virtuosity from ... New Jersey - .mp4
├── Sonaar Luthra - Meet the Water Canary.mp4
├── Sonia Shah - 3 reasons we still haven’t gotten rid of malaria.mp4
├── Sophal Ear - Escaping the Khmer Rouge.mp4
├── Sophie Hunger - Songs of secrets and city lights.mp4
├── Sophie Scott - Why we laugh.mp4
├── Spencer Wells - A family tree for humanity.mp4
├── Stacey Kramer - The best gift I ever survived.mp4
├── Stanley McChrystal - Listen, learn ... then lead.mp4
├── Stanley McChrystal - The military case for sharing knowledge.mp4
├── Stefana Broadbent - How the Internet enables intimacy.mp4
├── Stefano Mancuso - The roots of plant intelligence.mp4
├── Stefan Sagmeister - Designing with slogans.mp4
├── Stefan Sagmeister - Happiness by design.mp4
├── Stefan Sagmeister - The power of time off.mp4
├── Stefan Wolff - The path to ending ethnic conflicts.mp4
├── Stephen Burt - Why people need poetry.mp4
├── Stephen Friend - The hunt for - unexpected genetic heroes - .mp4
├── Stephen Hawking - Questioning the universe.mp4
├── Stephen Lawler - Tour Microsoft's Virtual Earth.mp4
├── Stephen Petranek - 10 ways the world could end.mp4
├── Stephen Wolfram - Computing a theory of all knowledge.mp4
├── Steve Howard - Let's go all-in on selling sustainability.mp4
├── Steve Jurvetson - Model rocketry.mp4
├── Steven Addis - A father-daughter bond, one photo at a time.mp4
├── Steven Cowley - Fusion is energy's future.mp4
├── Steven Johnson - The Web as a city.mp4
├── Steven Johnson - Where good ideas come from.mp4
├── Steven Levitt - Surprising stats about child carseats.mp4
├── Steven Levitt - The freakonomics of crack dealing.mp4
├── Steven Pinker and Rebecca Newberger Goldstein - The long reach of reason.mp4
├── Steven Pinker - Human nature and the blank slate.mp4
├── Steven Pinker - The surprising decline in violence.mp4
├── Steven Pinker - What our language habits reveal.mp4
├── Steven Strogatz - The science of sync.mp4
├── Steven Wise - Chimps have feelings and thoughts. They should also have rights.mp4
├── Steve Truglia - A leap from the edge of space.mp4
├── Stewart Brand - The dawn of de-extinction. Are you ready - .mp4
├── Stewart Brand - The Long Now.mp4
├── Stewart Brand - What squatter cities can teach us.mp4
├── Stew - - Black Men Ski - .mp4
├── Sting - How I started writing songs again.mp4
├── Stuart Firestein - The pursuit of ignorance.mp4
├── Sugata Mitra - Build a School in the Cloud.mp4
├── Sugata Mitra - The child-driven education.mp4
├── Suheir Hammad - Poems of war, peace, women, power.mp4
├── Sunni Brown - Doodlers, unite!.mp4
├── Susan Blackmore - Memes and - temes - .mp4
├── Susan Cain - The power of introverts.mp4
├── Susan Savage-Rumbaugh - The gentle genius of bonobos.mp4
├── Susan Solomon - The promise of research with stem cells.mp4
├── Suzana Herculano-Houzel - What is so special about the human brain - .mp4
├── Suzanne Lee - Grow your own clothes.mp4
├── Svante Pääbo - DNA clues to our inner neanderthal.mp4
├── Svante Pääbo - DNA clues to our inner neanderthal.mp4
├── Sxip Shirey + Rachelle Garniez - A performance with breath, music, passion.mp4
├── Sylvia Earle - My wish - Protect our oceans.mp4
├── Tal Danino - Programming bacteria to detect cancer (and maybe treat it).mp4
├── Tali Sharot - The optimism bias.mp4
├── Tan Le - A headset that reads your brainwaves.mp4
├── Taryn Simon - Photographs of secret sites.mp4
├── Tasso Azevedo - Hopeful lessons from the battle to save rainforests.mp4
├── Taylor Wilson - My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors.mp4
├── Taylor Wilson - Yup, I built a nuclear fusion reactor.mp4
├── T. Boone Pickens - Let's transform energy -- with natural gas.mp4
├── Teddy Cruz - How architectural innovations migrate across borders.mp4
├── Temple Grandin - The world needs all kinds of minds.mp4
├── Terry Moore - How to tie your shoes.mp4
├── Terry Moore - Why is 'x' the unknown - .mp4
├── Thandie Newton - Embracing otherness, embracing myself.mp4
├── Theaster Gates - How to revive a neighborhood - with imagination, beauty and art.mp4
├── The interspecies internet - An idea in progress.mp4
├── Thelma Golden - How art gives shape to cultural change.mp4
├── The LXD - In the Internet age, dance evolves ....mp4
├── Theo Jansen - My creations, a new form of life.mp4
├── They Might Be Giants - Wake up!.mp4
├── Thomas Barnett - Let's rethink America's military strategy.mp4
├── Thomas Dolby - - Love Is a Loaded Pistol - .mp4
├── Thomas Goetz - It's time to redesign medical data.mp4
├── Thomas Heatherwick - Building the Seed Cathedral.mp4
├── Thomas P. Campbell - Weaving narratives in museum galleries.mp4
├── Thom Mayne - How architecture can connect us.mp4
├── Tierney Thys - Swim with the giant sunfish.mp4
├── Tim Berners-Lee - A Magna Carta for the web.mp4
├── Tim Berners-Lee - The next web.mp4
├── Tim Berners-Lee - The year open data went worldwide.mp4
├── Tim Brown - Designers -- think big!.mp4
├── Tim Harford - Trial, error and the God complex.mp4
├── Tim Jackson - An economic reality check.mp4
├── Tim Leberecht - 3 ways to (usefully) lose control of your brand.mp4
├── Toby Eccles - Invest in social change.mp4
├── Toby Shapshak - You don't need an app for that.mp4
├── Todd Kuiken - A prosthetic arm that - feels - .mp4
├── Tod Machover + Dan Ellsey - Inventing instruments that unlock new music.mp4
├── Tom Chatfield - 7 ways games reward the brain.mp4
├── Tom Honey - Why would God create a tsunami - .mp4
├── Tom Rielly - A comic sendup of TED2006.mp4
├── Tom Shannon - Anti-gravity sculpture.mp4
├── Tom Wujec - 3 ways the brain creates meaning.mp4
├── Tom Wujec - Build a tower, build a team.mp4
├── Tom Wujec - Got a wicked problem - First, tell me how you make toast.mp4
├── Tom Wujec - Learn to use the 13th-century astrolabe.mp4
├── Tony Porter - A call to men.mp4
├── Tony Robbins - Why we do what we do.mp4
├── Torsten Reil - Animate characters by evolving them.mp4
├── Trita Parsi - Iran and Israel - Peace is possible.mp4
├── Two young scientists break down plastics with bacteria.mp4
├── Tyrone Hayes + Penelope Jagessar Chaffer - The toxic baby.mp4
├── Ueli Gegenschatz - Extreme wingsuit flying.mp4
├── Uldus Bakhtiozina - Wry photos that turn stereotypes upside down.mp4
├── Uri Alon - Why truly innovative science demands a leap into the unknown.mp4
├── Ursus Wehrli - Tidying up art.mp4
├── Vicki Arroyo - Let's prepare for our new climate.mp4
├── Vijay Kumar - Robots that fly ... and cooperate.mp4
├── Vik Muniz - Art with wire, sugar, chocolate and string.mp4
├── Vikram Patel - Mental health for all by involving all.mp4
├── Vincent Moon and Naná Vasconcelos - Hidden music rituals around the world.mp4
├── Virginia Postrel - On glamour.mp4
├── Vishal Vaid - Hypnotic South Asian improv music.mp4
├── VS Ramachandran - 3 clues to understanding your brain.mp4
├── Vusi Mahlasela - - Thula Mama - .mp4
├── Vusi Mahlasela - - Woza - .mp4
├── Wadah Khanfar - A historic moment in the Arab world.mp4
├── Wade Davis - Dreams from endangered cultures.mp4
├── Wade Davis - Gorgeous photos of a backyard wilderness worth saving.mp4
├── Wade Davis - The worldwide web of belief and ritual.mp4
├── Wael Ghonim - Inside the Egyptian revolution.mp4
├── Wayne McGregor - A choreographer's creative process in real time.mp4
├── Wendy Chung - Autism — what we know (and what we don’t know yet).mp4
├── Wendy Chung - Autism — what we know (and what we don’t know yet).mp4
├── Willard Wigan - Hold your breath for micro-sculpture.mp4
├── William Kamkwamba - How I built a windmill.mp4
├── William Kamkwamba - How I harnessed the wind.mp4
├── William Li - Can we eat to starve cancer - .mp4
├── William McDonough - Cradle to cradle design.mp4
├── Willie Smits - How to restore a rainforest.mp4
├── Will Marshall - Tiny satellites show us the Earth as it changes in near-real-time.mp4
├── Will Potter - The shocking move to criminalize nonviolent protest.mp4
├── Will Wright - Spore, birth of a game.mp4
├── Woody Norris - Hypersonic sound and other inventions.mp4
├── Xavier Vilalta - Architecture at home in its community.mp4
├── Yang Lan - The generation that's remaking China.mp4
├── Yann Arthus-Bertrand - A wide-angle view of fragile Earth.mp4
├── Yasheng Huang - Does democracy stifle economic growth - .mp4
├── Yoav Medan - Ultrasound surgery -- healing without cuts.mp4
├── Yochai Benkler - The new open-source economics.mp4
├── Yoruba Richen - What the gay rights movement learned from the civil rights movement.mp4
├── Yossi Vardi - We're worried about local warming ... in your lap.mp4
├── Yves Behar - A supercharged motorcycle design.mp4
├── Yves Behar - Designing objects that tell stories.mp4
├── Yves Rossy - Fly with the Jetman.mp4
├── Zach Kaplan + Keith Schacht - Toys and materials from the future.mp4
├── Zainab Salbi - Women, wartime and the dream of peace.mp4
├── Zak Ebrahim - I am the son of a terrorist. Here's how I chose peace..mp4
├── Ze Frank - Are you human - .mp4
├── Ze Frank - My web playroom.mp4
├── Ze Frank - Nerdcore comedy.mp4
├── Zeresenay Alemseged - The search for humanity's roots.mp4
├── Zeynep Tufekci - Online social change - easy to organize, hard to win.mp4
├── Ziauddin Yousafzai - My daughter, Malala.mp4
├── Ziyah Gafić - Everyday objects, tragic histories.mp4
└── Ziyah Gafić - Everyday objects, tragic histories.mp4

0 directories, 1347 files

tree v1.7.0 © 1996 - 2014 by Steve Baker and Thomas Moore
HTML output hacked and copyleft © 1998 by Francesc Rocher
JSON output hacked and copyleft © 2014 by Florian Sesser
Charsets / OS/2 support © 2001 by Kyosuke Tokoro