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February 2015  -  from Dianna B. in New Zealand

Summary of Learnings
       I've benefited enormously from this course. I am aware now of the connection between my mind, my body and my emotions and how I am not my mind and I can observe my thoughts without letting them control me. I am more at peace, and happier now than I have ever been. I started the course to help me in my recovery from CFS and as my health slowly recovers I am learning a new way to approach life and get the most out of every day. Despite my current health condition and a recent marriage break up I am now more positive about my life than I was when everything was going well and I was unhappy, stressed and searching, searching, searching. Always searching for what I have now learned was inside me all the time.

       I have bought a number of the books recommended in the additional reading and I am enjoying slowly reading through the extra material. It is like an awakening and I am enjoying this journey I have started on. I am also finding that I am able to guide and support my children and friends through stressful times and communication problems that they encounter - what I have learnt I am able to pass on to others and this is deeply rewarding.

       I now meditate every morning after I wake and before I have dinner at night also. I try and do some form of yoga every day. I keep aware of my body - breathing and tension - during the day, and I incorporate simple awareness often into my daily life. My walks in the park are now filled with peace and an awareness of the beauty that surrounds me and are now unhindered by self-pity and futile conversations in my head as was often the case in the past.

       What I have learnt from this course has complimented the "work" I have been doing with Ashok Gupta on the Gupta Program for CFS and ME recovery. Although this condition brought a sudden and dramatic change to my life I value the lesson that it is giving me that led me - through necessity - to seek a way to heal myself to health and happiness. This MBSR course, along with the Gupta Programme, has profoundly changed my life and is assisting my recovery hugely. I am grateful for the opportunity to have had such a well-structured, informative and life altering course made so readily and freely available.
- Dianna B.

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