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March 2015  -  from Frances C. in Washington

Summary of Learnings
       I have meditated intermittently for years. I have attended group sits in Seattle, taken classes in India, and spoken to my friends casually about meditation's positive effects. The potential power of this practice was not new to me, but this class seems to have had a more lasting and significant effect on my life than the prior experiences.

       I believe the approach of following the course for 8 weeks provided me with much needed structure. I found myself looking forward to the videos and the readings. They inspired me to keep up the discipline of the practice. I ended up doing the class twice, a second time just to reinforce the lessons.

       Perhaps more importantly though, I was impressed with the quality of the materials. It was useful to see the volume of credible studies that have been done showing the positive effects of meditation. I also appreciated the breadth of approaches - from RAIN, to sitting meditation, the body scan, yoga, and the lake and mountain guided meditations, and perhaps most of all the loving compassion meditation. The pragmatic and gentle suggestions by the authors in the readings and videos was inspiring.

       I have continued to practice, now months after I actually completed the class (not every day, but almost). I believe it has helped me to relax and sleep better, focus more, and be a better listener in my relationships. Mostly I feel that I know myself a little better because I am more aware of where my thoughts go. And although I don't always succeed in being kind to myself, I am getting better. I have come to realize how high my expectations are for myself, and that while achievements have their allure, there is value in appreciating the many details that make up life.

- Frances C.

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