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April 2015  -  from Kathleen H. in the United Kingdom

Summary of Learnings
       Thank you so much for providing such a helpful and life changing website.

       I have suffered from anxiety and depression for many, many years and have previously tried a form of meditation but did not find it useful as I had an outdated idea that I must clear my mind, therefore I found myself more anxious and stressed when thoughts entered my mind.

       I found your website through a general google search and I am so glad I did as I can truly say it has changed my life. I started the course in February after a very hard and dark winter which was preceded by the death of my father, the sudden breakup of a 13 year relationship and a forced house move. To say I was stressed and in a dark place was an understatement.

       I have since moved and found a wonderful partner but I could not stop the stressed, anxious feeling. I was getting more and more wound up as I felt I should be starting to calm down as I was getting my life back in order. Everything else was working out but I could not shake the churny stomach feeling I had and general nervousness, I would jump at every noise and had overwhelming feelings of not being able to handle the smallest of tasks.

       I followed your course and now do daily meditations together with RAIN and breathing spaces when needed and I cannot believe the change. I can now say I feel calm and in control. I don't think I have ever felt like this in my entire life. I feel as if I am in control of my mind, I can actually see things again and I feel connected which I have not felt for a very long time. My partner is amazed at the change in me and is so happy. I can also say that I am pretty sure this is a permanent state of mind, not a quick, temporary fix. I know I shall have to continue to meditate and be mindful but it is now part of my life, and I want to keep practicing, it is like my daily exercise, it's something I now do.

       Once again, thank you so much for this free resource, I am not in the position to afford to take a paid for course and am so grateful for your kindness.

       Wishing you good health and happiness,

- Kathleen H.

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